Sunday Funday: Memorial Day Edition

Randy Rainbow’s newest (4 minutes)

First we send out our hopes for a full recovery to the city of Greenfield and the other areas that were devastated by Tuesday’s fierce storm outbreak. Trish Nelson posted a list of items needed for the recovery (especially money) and where to send it here.  

The best way to honor those who gave their lives for this country is to NOT turn it over to the fascist-like party headed by Donald Trump.

Wow what a week again!

A) Despite calling Trump “unfit to be president” who announced Wednesday they would vote for Trump?

B) It is a national holiday. What SCOTUS justice’s house do we need to check to see how they fly the flag and which flag they fly?

C) In a really unusual move at Trump’s election interference trial, the judge did what when a defense witness made comments to the bench during testimony?

D) The tornado that struck Greenfield registered what on the Fujita scale?

E) Well, many expected AI would cross a line. What actress hired legal help to get to the bottom of an AI recording that sounded very much like her?

F) Well she did it! Kristi Noem has now been banished from all what in South Dakota?

G) In Des Moines, Superintendent of schools and former Olympian Ian Roberts was beaten in a 100 meter race by whom?

H) What national restaurant chain filed bankruptcy this week, a victim of the private equity scam that has eviscerated many companies in the past couple of decades?

I) What Mecca for aging rock’n’rollers was saved from bankruptcy this week by a late stay from a judge?

J) In an out of character move, what state will give families of newborns 100 free diapers a month until age 2?

K) What state introduced a bill to outlaw mask wearing in public with only a few exceptions? (Disabled people are really scared of this one)

L)  Target, the big box retailer, sent a minor shockwave across the retail sector when it announced it would do what?

M) What country’s president and foreign minister were killed in a helicopter crash last week?

N) What major politician claimed the Biden Administration had sent out instructions to have him (this politician) killed?

O) What genius football place kicker gave a commencement address at Benedictine College where he said women should stay home and raise babies?

P) July 4th of this year – What country will be having an election?

Q) Now here’s a bargain! Manhattan apartment marked down from $6.5M to $5.7M because what owner owes $148M in a court judgment?

R) In Iowa, the state Environmental Protection Commission referred the fertilizer spill that killed a massive amount of fish in the East Nishnabotna River to what office to follow up on?

S) Microplastics are everywhere. This week it was announced they have even been found where in humans?

T) Spain, Norway and Ireland announced they would do what this coming Tuesday that drew an immediate response from Israel?

Judge Cannon says that “jury may struggle to understand charges” 

What’s there to understand? Trump absconded with classified documents, refused to return them, and tried to hide them from the FBI. Where’s the struggle?

Tip of the hat to EarlG on


A) Nikki Haley

B) Sammy Alito

C) The witness was Robert Costello and the judge cleared the court to speak specifically to the witness about contempt without prejudicing the jury.

D) EF4

E) Scarlett Johanson

F) She has been banished from all 9 tribal lands in South Dakota

G) A 5th grade girl (Amayah Vilmael)

H) Red Lobster – the bankruptcy was not due to the “all you can eat shrimp” promotion as many news outlets are reporting.

I) Elvis Presley’s Graceland

J) Tennessee. Not as many as they need but better that nothing

K) North Carolina 

L) Cut prices on 5,000 items. 

M) Iran

N) Delusional Donnie Trump

O) Harrison Butter of the Kansas City Chiefs

P) Great Britain

Q) Rudy!

R) The AG’s office. We do not expect AG Brenna Bird to do anything 

S) Men’s testicles

T) recognize a Palestinian state.

Trump repeatedly called Nikki Haley a “bird brain.”

Looks like she’s proved him right. – JoJoFromJerz

About Dave Bradley

retired in West Liberty
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