
Posters’ Guidelines for Blog for Iowa

Blog for Iowa welcomes posts from a progressive point of view. Whether your work is primarily with the environment, human rights, peace, labor, health care, agriculture, media, voting rights, etc., we are committed to helping Iowa progressives organize, and to getting the progressive message out. Here are some examples:

Information sharing: This can take the form of articles and posts from other publications, websites or blogs or information about local actions and events in your community. Let us help you get the word out about your event or meeting.

Original news reporting: If you attend a meet-up or town hall meeting or other political event, and you would like to write it up, send it to us in an e-mail or an attachment with your name and contact info.If you have an issue in mind that you feel BFIA needs to cover, let us know, or write something and send it. If you have expertise in a particular area, share your knowledge with Iowa progressives.

Commentary: We welcome opinions from a progressive point of view, and are particularly interested in submissions relating to progressive action and media issues in Iowa.

Blog for Iowa reserves the right to edit submissions for content, tone and length.

Submit your ideas to:

Trish Nelson, Editor, Blog for Iowa