Letters, We Write Letters

What MAGA legislators seem to want for Iowa schools

On a patriotic holiday weekend I enjoy sharing Letters to the Editor with our readers. After all what could be more patriotic than using your first amendment right of free speech against an elected official who is determined to spread false information and fear.

So we turn it over to one of our favorites, Don Paulson of Letts:

So, Iowa Republican State Rep. Taylor Collins is concerned about Muscatine students visiting China.   This is another instance of local control being tossed out the window. Would it be surprising for Republicans to call for a special session of the legislature so they can pass a law prohibiting such trips? They already had legislation proposed to force schools to teach specific items in their social studies curriculum. And their war against kids in the gay community remains unabated.

This is another case of Republican “do as I say, and not as I do”.

If Republicans gave a hoot about public education they would fund it properly- they brag about 50% of the budget goes toward education, but it used to be closer to 60%.

They also wouldn’t siphon a billion dollars over four years from the state’s coffers for private religious school vouchers. Note that these schools raised tuition prices in anticipation of increased profits. They do not have to take in students they do not want, and there are no accountability standards.

But the two biggest points of Republican hypocrisy with public school students lie with women’s reproductive health and guns.

A political party has no business interfering with health discussions and decisions between a woman and her doctor.

And the Republican idea of arming teachers is just wrong. If educators wanted to handle weapons they would have joined the army. When many trained law enforcement officers in Texas wouldn’t go after an armed suspect in a school, why should we expect a teacher to suddenly become Rambo? That’s why insurance companies would not issue policies to those schools. There are several things that could be done to further prevent school gun violence, but Republicans will not bring them up for a vote.

Here is one idea for school choice- choose Jeff Poulter (D) over Taylor Collins (MAGA) in November!

Quick comment: Looks like Mr. Collins wants to open another front in the MAGA Party’s war on Iowa’s public schools. Perhaps drain a few more bucks from their budget.

About Dave Bradley

retired in West Liberty
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