Professor Timothy Snyder On Fascism

The Path to Authoritarianism: Historian Timothy Snyder (9 minutes):

 Of course the reason for Memorial Day is to consider the contributions of Americans who gave the ultimate sacrifice to their country. Now we have people in this country following a person who is incorporating much of what the fascist movement brought to the world in the 20th century. 

What America tried to purge from the world in WWII costing hundreds of thousands of Americans their lives, Donald Trump is trying to impose on America. It is amazing that an American political party could select a person like this to run as their nominee. It is also frightening that everyone in his party is too scared to stand up to Trump. It is also frightening that millions of Americans will vote for him

The following thread reader app comes from Timothy Snyder Professor of History at Yale University:   

From Wikipedia:

Timothy David Snyder (born August 18, 1969) is an American historian specializing in the history of Central and Eastern Europe, the Soviet Union, and the Holocaust. He is the Richard C. Levin Professor of History at Yale University and a permanent fellow at the Institute for Human Sciences in Vienna.[2][3]

He has written several books, including Bloodlands: Europe Between Hitler and Stalin, On Tyranny: Twenty Lessons from the Twentieth Century, The Road to Unfreedom, and Our Malady. Several of them have been described as best-sellers.[4][5]

Snyder serves on the Committee on Conscience of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. He is also a member of the Council on Foreign Relations.


1/11. The people who told you that fascism was not a threat were wrong. 

2/11. The people who told you that Russia was not fascist were, if possible, more wrong. 

3/11. Fascism is might over right, conspiracy over reality, fiction over fact, pain over law, blood over love, doom over hope. 

4/11. Fascism advances every injustice. Its victory will leave us serfs of a vengeful nature, of relentless technology, and of unquestionable oligarchy. 

5/11. Analytic clarity is needed for political clarity. If you do not know what you face, you do not know how to act. 

6/11. Once named, fascism can be defeated. Indeed, once named it can be easily defeated. 

7/11. Russian fascism must lose on the battlefield. Americans can bring this about by supporting courageous Ukrainians. 

8/11. American fascism must lose at the ballot box. Americans can bring this about by organizing, canvassing, phone banking, donating, and voting. 

9/11. We know from history that fascism can lose. And we know today the contests that must be won. 

10/11. Compared to challenges that others face around the world, our odds in 2024 and 2025 are excellent. Americans have chances, not excuses. 

11/11. A defeat of fascism is not a negation. It is an affirmation: of a future that can be more beautiful, more just, and more free. 

Heed these words as the campaign plays out.

Remember also that Mr. Trump is not singular in his views. Every Republican running for office from the courthouse to the White House and every office in between has endorsed Mr. Trump and therefore his policies. That is all of Iowa’s Republican statehouse delegation and their congressional delegation.

About Dave Bradley

retired in West Liberty
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