Letters, We Send Letters

While the Letters to the Editor continue to get squeezed from Iowa papers we continue to speak out and let them know what we believe.

Once again here is a LTTE from blogforiowa friend, Don Paulson. He packs a lot of punch into a few words:

Republican State Representative Taylor Collins must have tunnel vision. It seems all he can talk about and take credit for is tax cuts. Too bad for most Iowans they are regressive tax cuts- the lower your income the higher percentage you pay in taxes. What people pay in other states is irrelevant to Iowans.

Everyone knows that tax cuts don’t pay for themselves. Ask anyone in Kansas or Louisiana. The Republicans there did the same thing and soon had a fiscal disaster on their hands. Based on what the Iowa Republicans did in the last legislative session here we can expect the same in the near future.

This state cannot grow without revenue. Republicans keep wanting to give the store away.

Their give-a-way to the religious schools will cost nearly a billion dollars for the first four years. Meanwhile they starve the public school system of needed funds.

Most Iowans care about the environment and clean water. In 2010 they approved the Iowa Outdoor Recreation Trust Fund Amendment. There has never been any money appropriated for it. This past session the Republicans even took funding away from the water quality monitoring system. Hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil!

It’s clear Iowa is going in the wrong direction. The terrible fiscal policies combined with the shameful legislation against women, SNAP recipients, and youth makes it seem we’re in a race to the bottom.

Makes me think of that old saying “Figures lie and liars figure.”

hobnobbing with criminals?

I posted a comment to Senator Grassley’s office. I look at Grassley as one of the biggest hypocrites and perhaps one of the worst ever for “party first.” You may remember earlier this summer when Grassley released some documents that were considered to be false concerning President Biden. Grassley then declared “I don’t care if they are not accurate.”

His dogged pursuit of anything that might put the President or his son in a bad light made me think of Trump and how his daughter Ivanka and son-in-law Jared Kushner were put into highly sensitive policy positions in the Trump administration but were able to squeeze in a little work on the side that netted them about $2.65 billion. 

Here is my question to Grassley:

I am really disgusted that we are wasting taxpayer money on a long continuing investigation of Hunter Biden who after 5 years has been shown to have done nothing. Nor was he ever a government employee, whereas Jared Kushner and his wife Ivanka Trump took money openly from foreign countries while in the employment of the US government at very high administrative positions.

Senator, you trade on a reputation as a corruption buster. Why have you not as yet launched an investigation of the $2 Billion that Kushner got from the Saudis or the $600+ million that Ivanka Trump got from China in trade preferences. Again, these were both done as these two worked in the very upper levels of the Trump administration in policy making positions.

This is corruption at its absolute worst, yet no one – especially you – are doing anything.

Do you stand against corruption or not? This is your chance to show you do. 

About Dave Bradley

retired in West Liberty
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