Judiciary Debacle Makes Me Up My Donations

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Watching the debacle taking place in our nation’s capitol Thursday tells me that we must not let Republicans win this year. Not at the national level, but also at the state level where they have restricted voting and will probably do so to an even greater degree if Republicans remain in control.

I so wish Grassley were on the ballot this year, but he isn’t. In Iowa we only have the opportunity to change the US House. But there we do have the chance to maybe pick up 3 seats while keeping Dave Loebsack in his seat.

If you can, help out Cindy Axne, Abby Finkenauer and JD Scholten.

Especially do not forget to donate and help out state house and state senate candidates in your area. Turning the state government back into Democratic hands will be necessary to reverse the insane Medicaid privatization policy of the Reynolds regime. It will also be necessary to bring back union rights in Iowa, help restore Iowa schools and possibly forestall some potentially bad changes to IPERS. 

This is the year to dig a little deeper. The stakes have never been so high.

Let’s give Grassley a thank you for helping elect Democrats this fall. I jest.

About Dave Bradley

retired in West Liberty
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