John Boehner, Meet Benedict Arnold

John Boehner :: JamesonThe British could not do it, nor the rebel Confederate states. The Spanish, Germans, Germans again nor Al Quieda could do it. But John Boehner and his band of merry cowards are just a couple weeks away from totally shutting down America and ruining the “full faith and credit” of the United States. He led us to this point once before and at the time the President did everything he could to not let the government default on its debts. Many were concerned at that time that keeping the government open then would come back to haunt us.

John Boehner and his tea party cohorts buoyed by the billions of dollars from the Koch brothers and the worst Supreme Court decision in history (or 2nd worst) are on the brink of shutting the great American experiment in self-government down. They no longer have to depend on you for campaign money and we already know that voting machines are very open to hacking. This has been proven over and over. Throw in laws aimed at stopping Democrats from voting and districts so gerrymandered that they almost can’t lose and you have a group that has no reason to do what voters want, because they really barely need them.

If you wondered how the Citizen’s United decision would play out, here you go. The wealthy are more concerned about paying a few taxes than they are about the United States. They have the money to open doors anywhere, plus another huge crash could put valuable properties on the market priced at fire sale prices. So they don’t care. What they needed was a group of politicians willing to do their bidding. That wasn’t hard to line up either. With all the election factors rigged in their favor politicians planning on a big payout whored themselves out real fast. A bonus is that they will have a real leg up on re-election and the puppet master wealthy will be able to keep just enough power to stop anything.

Which leads back to John Boehner. I really believe that Boehner knows right from wrong. He has basically said as much in unguarded moments. But Boehner loves being Speaker and he seems more than willing to sell his country out to the rich for his pretend power. If the NSA actually records cell conversations, this would be a good time to release Boehner’s.

And now two weeks from Thursday on October 17th – debt ceiling day – John Boehner can do what America’s enemies have never been able to do. And if democrats give in to their demands they will only be back pulling the same tricks in a couple of months. Taking America’s full faith and credit as hostage looks like a terrorist maneuver to me. It will affect each and every American and could easily crash the world economy. Sounds like a hostage to me. As Ronald Reagan once said, “America does not negotiate with terrorists.”

Thus when Boehner accomplishes what no one else could do he will go into a very small pantheon of Americans – those who would sell America out – with his band of tea bagger frat boys.

About Dave Bradley

retired in West Liberty
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