The Real Cost Of Trump’s 2017 Tax Cuts For The Rich?

Double The Estimate!

Wow – 30 years ago Robert Reich nails where the right was headed (9 minutes):

Editor’s Note: This is mostly taken from an article posted on Daily Kos Thursday May 9th. My reason for doing this is that so often here in the US when bad policy is implemented few ever go back to measure the real effects especially on the common citizen.

I believe that in order to get change we must fully understand how policies actually effect us and that they are not necessarily policy forever. 

As you read this remember that at the beginning of this week, an analysis came out saying that Social Security and Medicare funding would be facing a crisis in about nine years. The analysis that I read then went on to surmise that cutbacks to recipients would be about the only acceptable alternatives. I beg to differ especially after the MAGA party has given the obscenely wealthy so many huge tax breaks this century: (Thanks to Mark Sumner for this piece)

There is really only one signature legislative “achievement” from Donald Trump’s time in the White House: The 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. He did other things while in office—bungling the pandemic, wrecking relationships with allies, insulting veterans—but when it comes to bills pushed through Congress and collecting Trump’s signature, there’s only one thing that stands out. A tax bill that emptied the nation’s coffers to pay off billionaires and corporate bosses.

Even at the time, it was clear that the bill would be extremely costly. Republican leaders claimed that the tax bill would generate growth and lead to “$1 trillion in additional revenue.” But the Congressional Budget Office estimated that the bill would actually cost the government $1.9 trillion before its cuts expired in 2025.

Now the CBO is back with a new estimate of what it would cost to keep Trump’s tax cut in place over the next decade, and that estimate is more than double the original cost. Keeping Trump’s tax cuts would cost a whopping $4.6 trillion and send the nation on a path to a level of deficit only seen during the Great Depression, World War II, and … Trump’s bungling of the pandemic.

Trump’s tax cuts are slated to expire in 2025, meaning that the winner of this election is going to determine whether the nation puts an end to this gravy train for billionaires, or extends it at a crushing cost to the average American. At his fundraiser that supposedly made $50 million in April, Trump told wealthy donors exactly what they wanted to hear: He plans to extend the tax cuts.

Not only has Trump’s plan generated a crushing deficit that only gets much worse over time, but it has also failed to stimulate economic growth as Trump and Republicans promised. A National Bureau of Economic Research study shows that the bill produced only a small fraction of the promised benefits. Far from generating revenue, as Republicans promised, corporate tax revenue dropped by $100 to $150 billion per year.

These effects are similar to what a Brookings analysis predicted in 2018: a small, short-term stimulus effect followed by negligible long-term benefits and a significant reduction in federal revenues.

What we know now is exactly what was projected then:

  • Trump’s tax cut is heavily skewed to benefit a specific group of the extremely wealthy.
  • Far from increasing tax revenues, or being revenue neutral, it has generated enormous deficits that threaten to drown the nation in debt.
  • Despite having “jobs” in the title, the bill did not generate the waves of new investment that Trump promised.

President Joe Biden has already made it clear that he would not extend Trump’s plan and its crushing deficit. Instead, he has proposed a package that would see increases for those making over $400,000 a year, while cutting taxes for lower income Americans. Biden’s plan includes:

  • Requiring billionaires to pay at least 25% of income in taxes.
  • A corporate minimum tax of 21% that would end corporations paying nothing.
  • Denying corporate tax breaks for multi-million-dollar executive compensation.
  • Quadrupling the tax that corporations pay when they buy back their own stock.

The conservative American Enterprise Institute prepared an analysis of Biden’s plan in advance of the 2020 election and found that, rather than costing another $4.6 trillion, as Trump’s plan would, Biden’s changes would result in $3.8 trillion in revenue increases. It would also make the tax system more fair and progressive.

There are many reasons to reelect Biden in the fall; so many that tax policy may not be getting as much attention as it usually receives. But that $8.4 trillion difference in revenue over the next ten years is the difference between a government that is capable of responding to issues like the climate crisis and other new threats as they arise, and one that is designed only to set back and provide a constant stream of cash for those who need it least.


As an addendum let me add that the Biden economy is reversing the trend of money all going from the poor to the rich. Biden is slowly and quietly changing “trickle down” policies. This is currently driving the economy as employment and wages continue to rise.

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Sunday Funday: Mother’s Day Edition

Sunday Funday: Mother’s Day Edition

Rant ON:

This may come as a surprise to most MAGAs, but every human ever on earth had a mother. That mother was also human and a female. As a human, every mother deserves all the rights that any other human deserves. Mothers and all women are not simply breeding stock to be used as some animal. Women are human and as such have rights and also needs. Claiming to be “pro-life” should not end at a baby’s birth but also include the nutrition, education and shelter for that child and its mother. Rant OFF!

Pets and kids (3 minutes):  

OK, kids, here we go:

A) Begging for a bribe? Who offered oil executives relief from Biden era climate regulations in return for a $1 billion “campaign contribution” last week?

B) A federal court in Iowa fined a Tennessee $650,000 for employing what class of people of cleaning dangerous facilities in Iowa and Virginia?

C) In the world of diseases, what is FLiRT?

D) Paul Ryan, Geoff Duncan and Cassidy Hutchinson – all somewhat old school Republicans – announced they would not do what this year?

E) Due to ongoing legal problems “Boy Scouts of America” is being rebranded under what name?

F) What out of touch with reality MAGA leader said in a speech last week: “l know, intuitively, that a lot of illegals are voting in federal elections, but it’s not been something that is easily provable,”?

G) Running unopposed in the Indiana MAGA primary, Donald Trump only garnered 78% of the vote. Who got the rest?

H) In the animal world, scientists have discovered that what high order mammal uses plants as medicines?

I) Over 9 million homes are reported empty in what country due to its aging population? 

J) The World Food Prize was awarded to scientists who established what “Doomsday Vault” for seeds?

K) The world’s largest air cleaning vacuum designed to capture CO2 from the air started working Wednesday in what European country?

L) What presidential candidate revealed medical history that includes a worm in his brain and mercury poisoning?

M) Thanks to an unusual crossover vote from Democrats, who was spared the ignominy of losing his speakership?

N) What company is withdrawing its Covid-19 vaccine citing a lack of demand?

O) Who was instrumental in helping the Coralville Community Food Pantry raise $100,000 in two years?

P) What second oldest US senator announced a bid for re-election last week?

Q) Boeing delayed its launch of the Starliner which was what kind of craft?

R) Noelia Voigt and UmaSofia Srivastava resigned their positions last week.  What positions did they resign from?

S) In case you were totally out of the loop last week, what star witness did the prosecution present in the Donald Trump election interference trial?

T) In climate news, continuing an 11 month streak April average temperature was higher or lower than any previous April?

The most surprising thing to me about Stormy Daniels and Karen McDougal is that Donald Trump had to pay them to keep quiet about having sex with him.

Honey . . . if there were one thing I would take to my grave, that would be it. – Mrs. Betty Bowers


A) Trump – sounds like a bribe to me!

B) Children were hired as overnight cleaners for meat packing companies

C) The latest evolution of Covid-19

D) vote for Donald Trump (Duncan is the former LT. Governor of Georgia)

E) Scouting America

F) House Speaker Mike Johnson – He has been hunting this for years and found nothing

G) Nikki Hailey

H) Orangutans

I) Japan

J) Svalbard Global Seed Vault in Norway.

K) Iceland

L) Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

M) Mike Johnson

N) Astra-Zeneca

O) Caitlin Clark

P) Bernie Sanders in Vermont

Q) A rocket ship taking astronauts to the ISS

R) Miss USA and Miss Teen USA respectively

S) Stormy Daniels

T) for the eleventh consecutive month, the average monthly temperature was the highest ever on record.

One candidate has worms, one has diapers, and one has a booming economy. And we’ll still be fighting tooth and nail in November. – The Lincoln Project

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Bad Policy Lingers And Festers

Report on Privatized Medicaid in Iowa several years ago. (2 minutes)

Well it is Mother’s Day weekend.  The MAGA party will make a big deal about mothers and motherhood while doing all they can to make it damned tough to live in Iowa if you were someone’s child who happened to be born poor or somehow physically defective. 

Over my decades in Iowa, for a long time we could count on some balance between the parties to keep Iowa from straying too far from the middle in policy matters. Thanks to the fact that Iowans as citizens were actually more focused on policies rather than parties, most politicians were also. Thus Iowa was able to concoct state governments that actually conceived some pretty solid policies from election policies to alcohol policies to things like community colleges.

Living in Iowa was different from a lot of other states because our laws and policies usually made sense.  Gawd knows that could never last. I wonder all the time what caused Iowa’s big jump to the right wing state we have become. There is little to no compromising in Iowa any more with MAGAs in power. What they say goes whether it makes sense or not.

We have talked among friends as to what caused the big rightward move, but like many we come up empty on what was behind the move. The takeover of statewide radio by right wing corporations seems to be a favorite choice (remember Clear Channel that took over Iowa’s biggest radio stations and broadcast the likes of Hannity and Limbaugh relentlessly?).

Whatever caused the huge right turn, the MAGAs of the day decided they would use their advantage to redirect state monies from aiding Iowans in need to corporate money bins. I don’t know if the medicaid theft was the first such policy – maybe you could say the union busting was the first – but the medicaid theft was boldest and most in-your-face such policy.

Thanks to the Iowa state democrats we have a timeline of how the MAGA party of the day with Branstad just running over people put this really bad policy in place. You can find it here. This will probably dredge up some bad memories, but will also remind us how MAGAs implement policy with a sledge hammer approach. I love the way the list starts:

January 2015 | Branstad tells Legislature he has decided to unilaterally privatize Medicaid. 

Since this bad policy has been implemented patients have lost huge amounts of care, Managed Care Organizations (gawd I hate that term that sanitizes these rip-off corporations) have feasted at the state coffers turning what at one time cost the state @ 2% to a glutton that eats 20% of the budget and wants more while drastically cutting services.

This horrendous policy has been normalized through a very complacent state wide press that after a short period just treated the situation as nothing out of the ordinary. After that success MAGAs have continued to make Iowa over into the image and likeness of Mississippi cutting school budgets to the bone, enacting laws that put children to work and of course the voucher program for privatized school with an eye toward ending a once excellent public school system in Iowa.

Do not expect any of these policies that steal from the poor and give to the rich to ever go away. Such bad policies linger forever as a complacent press ignores their effects on the state and the electorate is lulled into a stupor bay a press that ignores these policies.

In our lifetimes we have seen a state that was once at the apex of education with solid values devolve into a state that now competes in the lowest quartile of education while citizens struggle to make ends meet working at low lying jobs. That is what happens when a party bent on oligarchy and authoritarianism completely takes over the poor structure. Good luck getting rid of them.

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While The Country Watches Trump, Cancer Research Defunded

“Don’t tell me what you value, show me your budget, and I’ll tell you what you value.” ― Joe Biden

Biden’s moonshot (2 minutes):

While the country continue to be assaulted with the babbling of a MAGA idiot running for president, MAGAs in congress do their damndest to set the country back on many fronts. One of those fronts was to quash money for a program near and dear to the President’s heart – the cancer moonshot.

Remember a few short years ago when then Vice President Biden headed up a task force to put cancer in the center of the target. The concept was that we as a nation could cut cancer deaths in half if we made it a priority. VP Biden had lost a member of his family to cancer – his son, Beau. Like most Americans the dreaded “C” word had touched his family.

Just as his most famous quote tells us, he put money where his mouth was. But it wasn’t only his money, it was America’s money backing up a fight with one of America’s greatest enemies. An enemy that has crept into nearly every American family, including my own. 

When money was appropriated for the “Cancer moonshot” then-Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) called it “the most significant legislation passed by this Congress.” Oh how times change as MAGA party members refuse to give President Biden a “win” in an election year.   

President Joe Biden is scrambling to fund his cancer moonshot and its ambitious goal of cutting the death rate by half — an aim close to his heart that’s no longer a bipartisan priority.

Lawmakers backed the initiative during the final days of Barack Obama’s presidency, passing the 21st Century Cures Act, and allotting $1.8 billion to the cause, nearly unanimously. Then-Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) called it “the most significant legislation passed by this Congress.”


But times have changed. The spending package Congress passed in March doesn’t reup Cures moonshot money that dried up at the end of last year. Lawmakers rejected Biden’s request to fund Cures this year and also cut off his moonshot’s most direct funding stream.

Republicans see the cuts differently.

“When you’re running a $1.6 trillion deficit, spending cuts aren’t the problem,” Rep. Tom Cole (R-Okla.), the new chair of the House Appropriations Committee, told POLITICO. “We’ve been very generous,” he added, referencing the hundreds of millions in funding since the Cures law passed.”

When we talk about how today’s MAGA party values is tax cuts for the rich and let the common people suffer. Voting in favor of cancer and shooting puppies is what they are today.

Cancer moonshot? Forget it.

Save and make Social Security more solid? Nope – it is time to cut it.

Make Medicare more solid and cover more? Nope destroy it using the privatized Medicare {dis}Advantage.

The list goes on and on from education to decent jobs with good wages. Democrats build the work force and infrastructure for a strong economy that works for the greater number of Americans. MAGA’s only goal these days is to play politics with policy. Allowing Americans to die of cancer is part of their policy plans. Giving the wealthy tax cuts is also part of that plan.

This election year be sure to vote the down ballot candidates whose values align with yours. For most Democrats. 

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Iowa Farmers Union Water Quality Lunch and Learn

Watch this discussion of Polk County’s launch of the Central Iowa Source Water Research Assessment (CISWRA). The project aims to assess and come up with recommendations for water quality improvements.

Iowa Farmers Union hosts a Lunch and Learn every week. Follow IFU on Facebook and Twitter.  Visit their website here.

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Meet Melissa Vine Democrat For IA-03

Check out this conversation with Melissa Vine, a Democrat running for congress in IA-03. Visit her website and follow on Facebook and Twitter

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Meet Lanon Baccam Democrat For IA-03

Check out this conversation with Lanon Baccam, a Democrat running for congress in IA-03.  Visit his website and follow on Facebook and  Twitter

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Howard Stern’s Amazing Interview With President Biden

This is so cool.  Hope you all can watch and share this awesome interview with President Biden.  While I’m not particularly a fan of Howard Stern, I’ve always noticed how comfortable guests seem talking with him and his musical guests always sound so amazing in his studio.  This was behind a paywall on Sirius. Great to be able to watch it via YouTube. Thanks to Howard Stern.

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Iowa Press Horse Race Coverage Fails Iowans

This week was a fairly typical Iowa Press program except there were follow up questions and challenges because their guest was a Democrat for a change.

The prize for worst lead in to a question in this episode came from Erin Murphy who said, “..obviously, former president Trump is popular here and democratic president Biden is not..” Followed by a pointed question as to how this was going to likely negatively affect Democratic down ticket races.

What about the 759,061 Iowans that voted for Biden for president? Do we count for nothing? If you are looking for nuance, do not watch Iowa Press.

House Democratic leader Jennifer Konfrst gave a great answer. You might actually sort of enjoy watching this episode. Not because of the Iowa Press panel’s superficial horse race questions, but because Konfrst did a fantastic job providing information counter to the program’s Republican leaning ways.

To be clear, there is absolutely nothing wrong with challenging an answer. It’s just that it has to be equal. I’ve never seen the panel interrupt, talk over, or challenge Republican guests.  I counted four times that Murphy interrupted Konfrst.

One of the interruptions was to say he expected she was going to mention the abortion issue, because he said it is also a federal issue that could impact state elections. She had to school him on just exactly why this is in fact an issue currently in the state of Iowa to women who are interested in reproductive freedom including in vitro fertilization.  This was a frustrating exchange but she came out on top of hostile, uninformed questioning. It starts at about 21:00.

If you are new here and haven’t read my many reviews of the Iowa Press program, type “Iowa Press” in the search box.

Have a great Monday!

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Rachel Maddow On Today’s Republican Party:

This is just a reminder that the general election is six(6) months from today. Make sure your registration is up to date and make plans to help elect Democrats at all levels. If we don’t elect Democrats we will continue to watch rights such as women’s health care disappear.

Rachel Maddow – one of the most thoughtful commenters on the political world of today – goes deep behind the headlines to expose what is driving our current state of affairs. What she tells us is quite simple and as old as humanity itself. We have a party that is corrupt to the core with a leadership that is corrupt to their essence and foot soldiers willing to take the fall for the leaders.

And the pipeline is filled with ‘wannabes’ on the Republican side, each and every one ready to take your rights away. As she notes at the end, it is a criminal enterprise. My thought has been since Trump came down the elevator that the model for his organization has been organized crime. 

At present time we see sycophants at various levels attempting to destroy and discredit law enforcement and the court system. Note that his organization already has followers placed strategically in government positions – especially the Supreme Court.

Remember also that the National Republican Party is hard at work on something called Project 2025 that will essentially end our constitutional government if a MAGA party member becomes president.

We posted a video on Project 2025 yesterday. It is the far right wing wet dream which turns the federal government into a weaponized partisan entity. As you can glean from the Maddow video, the organization is fully set up to implement such a plan day one with little opposition within their party and the opposition from Democrats will simply be ignored.

It will be the nightmare we have all feared.

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