Sunday Funday: Fall Has Fell Edition

“We are not paying the ransom note” (6:38) 

First let me note that there is a MAGA ‘debate’ Wednesday night. With Stuart Varney and Dana Perino as ‘moderators’ what are the chances that there will be any questions relevant to America’s workers and middle class?

A) less than zero.  B) zero.  C) infinitesimally small   D) an amount equal to Trump’s morality. 

And the answer is the answer is all of the above.  I mean you think those two are going to dare ask a real question?

Well MAGA Republicans (including Iowa’s stellar troupe) saw a crisis coming that they manufactured, and ran for the hills. This after they promised they would not shut down the government. You can NOT trust MAGAs. Trump is encouraging a shutdown because he is so stupid that he thinks a shutdown will stop his prosecution.

OY Vey! It just gets worse….

A) The big news Friday concerned the indictment of what New Jersey senator for corruption?

B) Officially in the US are people of Brazilian heritage considered Hispanic?

C) What member of congress was forced to leave a theater last weekend after committing lewd and lascivious acts with her boyfriend during a performance of “Beetlejuice: The Musical”?

D) What foreign dignitary visiting the US was snubbed by Speaker Kevin McCarthy despite a request to speak to McCarthy? 

E) Somebody’s twitter got hacked! Whose twitter announced the death of his father after it was hacked last week?

F) September 23, 1952. What Vice Presidential candidate clinging to his political life gave a TV speech that became known as the “Checkers Speech” that saved his political life?

G) Last weekend a Marine pilot bailed from an F-15 jet and lost the plane in what state?

H) Despite the hold Tommy Tuberville has placed on military promotions, the senate did manage to name who as the new Chair of the Joint Chiefs of Staff last week?

I) Not just oil is spiking, but what oil used for cooking and as a condiment doubled in price over the last year  because of poor harvests due to climate change?

J) The US Attorney General was grilled before the House Judiciary Committee last week. This committee is chaired by what MAGA congress member?

K) In Texas an eighth grade teacher was fired for teaching what middle school staple book?

L) In Mississippi the state auditor (Shad White) called for defunding college programs in what fields that he considered “garbage” studies?

M) Modeled on the Civilian Conservation Corps of the Great Depression era, President Biden announced a Corp program focused on what huge problem?

N) Why does Hispanic Heritage month celebration begin on September 15th?

O) Taking a trip out of this world, the James Webb telescope folks announced the discovery of what essential element to life on Jupiter’s moon, Europa?

P) With an upcoming election what member of NATO announced they would no longer supply weapons to Ukraine?

Q) Almost forgot that the US engineered a prisoner exchange with what middle eastern country on Tuesday?

R) Molly Michael, once a Trump assistant,  revealed that Mr. Trump would use classified documents for what?

S) Caesar Chavez was instrumental in unionizing what labor group in the 1960s?

T) The Biden Administration announced it would form an Office of Gun Violence Prevention to be headed up by what administration official?

Memo To The Media: 

Please don’t say inflation is at a 40-year high without also mentioning that corporate profits are at a 70 – year high. Give the people the full picture.  Robert Reich


A) Senator Menendez

B) Technically no since Hispanic (and Latino) means a heritage of Spanish language or customs

C) Lauren Boebert of Colorado

D) Ukrainian president Zelienskyy (McCarthy was praised on Russian TV for this snub)

E) Donald Trump, jr.

F) Dick Nixon

G) South Carolina

H) Charles Q. Brown, jr. – the second black chair of the JCS (Colin Powell was the first)

I ) Olive oil

J) Jim Jordan – MAGA Ohio

K) Anne Frank

L) Humanitarian and Social Studies 

M) climate change

N) because several Latin American countries fined independence around that time including Mexico

O) Carbon

P) Poland

Q) Iran

R) to write to-do lists on

S) farm workers

T) VP Kamala Harris

It’s crazy how the media is sticking with their “democrats in disarray” narrative while republicans are literally voting down their own budget. – Santiago Mayer


About Dave Bradley

retired in West Liberty
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