It Is Not Congress; It Is The MAGA Republicans

(1:20) Well. At least he knows who should be blamed:

Just ran across this post on  concerning next week’s impending government shutdown. Remember this is a shutdown that MAGA Republicans just a couple of months ago promised would not happen:  

White House Favorably RTs Matt Gaetz- ‘The Worst Person You Know Just Made a Great Point’

President Joe Biden’s official White House Twitter account favorably retweeted a quote from Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) blaming House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) for the impending government shutdown on Wednesday. 

Gaetz, who has been the most vocal critic of McCarthy in recent weeks, told reporters, “We will have a government shutdown and it is absolutely Speaker McCarthy’s fault.” 

He continued, “We cannot blame Joe Biden for not having moved our individual spending bills. We cannot blame House Democrats. We can’t even blame Chuck Schumer in the Senate.” {my bolding – ed.}

The White House soon picked up on the comment and retweeted it along with a meme reading, “Heartbreaking: The Worst Person You Know Just Made A Great Point.”

Add that to the observation posted recently on twitter by congress member Ilhan Omar who pointer out that:

Who controlled the House when the government shut down?

1995: Republicans

2013: Republicans 

2018: Republicans

2018 (longest in history): Republicans

When Republicans are responsible for governing, we have shutdowns. – Ilhan Omar

Get the picture folks? When a democrat is president and either house of congress is controlled by Republicans (now MAGAs) their go to strategy now is to shut the government down and blame it on Democrats. In today’s case, MAGA politicians made a deal and a few months later turned their backs on it. MAGAs can simply not be trusted – never ever.

When we hear radio or TV newsers intone “Congress is stumbling toward {some bad outcome}” it is not “Congress” that is moving toward a bad outcome, it is MAGA Republicans exclusively. Yet our news media across the board makes money with horse races, therefore they must promote reports in a way that makes horse races more likely. Were they to tell the truth, people would soon understand that the reason Congress does nothing these days is because of MAGA Republicans.

In a recent newsletter Thom Hartmann put the continuing government shutdowns in a historical perspective that ties MAGA refusal to work in good faith to the infamous “two Santa Clause theory” that explains how Republicans govern only for the wealthy:  

It’s no accident or coincidence that the threat of a failure to pay the nation’s bills or fund an upcoming year never once happened during the presidencies of Reagan, Bush, Bush, or Trump. Or that it did happen every single time during the presidencies of Clinton, Obama…and, now, Biden.


Those massive tax cuts and that uncontrolled spending during four Republican presidencies produced three results:

  1. They stimulated the economy with a sort of sugar high, making people think that the GOP can produce a good economy;
  2. They raised the national debt dramatically (it’s at $33 trillion today, almost all of which tracks back to Reagan’s, Bush Jr.’s, and Trump’s massive tax cuts and Bush’s two illegal off-the-books wars);
  3. And they made people think that Republicans are the “tax-cut Santa Clauses.”

Then comes part two of the one-two punch: when a Democrat is in the White House, Republicans must scream about the national debt as loudly and frantically as possiblefreaking out about how “our children will have to pay for it!” and “you must cut spending to solve the crisis!”

So here we go again – Republicans creating a crisis where there should really be no problem. Soon we will be hearing the claims that the crisis comes from Democratic spending when the opposite is true: Republicans (now MAGAs) cut taxes for the wealthy and spend like drunken frat boys. 

Our corporate news media work with MAGAs to make MAGA lies the common mythology. If the debt were the crisis that MAGA politicians claim, shouldn’t raising taxes be part of the answer? 

Remember when you vote next year that if you vote for MAGA candidates you are only making the problem worse.

About Dave Bradley

retired in West Liberty
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