Beloved Health Care Activist Loses Battle With Cancer

We were so sad to learn that Robin Stone,  a much loved progressive activist from Manchester, passed away November 2nd.  She was a proud Democrat, who served most recently as chairperson of the Delaware County Democrats. She was a tireless advocate for health care.  She confronted Senator Grassley at a town hall about his continued support for repealing the Affordable Care Act. She was later a guest on Lawrence O’Donnell’s program, The Last Word on MSNBC.

If you would like to contribute to help Robin’s family pay for medical bills and costs associated with her treatment and care leading up to her passing click here to go to her GoFundMe page.

Here is Robin confronting Grassley about his support of ACA repeal.

Robin being interviewed by Lawrence O’Donnell.

And because the Republicans are still going after the ACA one way or another, this:

RIP, Robin.

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