Iowa Wind Farmers Deserve A Fair Price

windfarmAction Alert by  Iowa,  Iowa Public Interest Research Group:

Stand up for farmers who produce wind power in Iowa!

Iowa’s big utilities are cheating farmers who produce their own wind power in Iowa. Right now, farmers earn five times less for wind energy they generate than our utilities sell it for on the market. If we want to see Iowa move forward with smart energy solutions, farmers and all Iowans producing their own renewable energy deserve a fair price that should be set by the Iowa Utilities Board – not the utilities themselves.

Tell Senate Majority Leader Mike Gronstal to support farmers in Iowa who are doing the right thing, by making sure they can’t be taken advantage of by large utilities.

Click here to send this letter below to Mike Gronstal

Show support for SF 372

Dear Senator Gronstal,

Please take advantage of this opportunity to support local ownership of energy generation by Iowa’s farmers by supporting SF 372 and bringing it to a vote before the full Senate.

This bi-partisan bill will help secure a fair and standard price for small-scale wind energy produced by farmers, and lowers hurdles that make it difficult for Iowa farmers to invest in wind. In turn – this necessary bill will also help grow our wind industry, support local rural economies, and increase our energy security by distributing electric generation.

It’s time to make smart energy choices for Iowa. Please make the right choice by supporting SF 372, and supporting farmers who produce their own wind energy.

Click here for text of SF 372



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1 Response to Iowa Wind Farmers Deserve A Fair Price

  1. Mark Aeilts says:

    Fairness is in the eye of the beholder. Fairness is paying the farmer full retail price up to the amount of his load as is done in California and all other 50 states. It would be unfair to charge a higher price than they utilities would normally pay for energy on the backs of the poorest residents of Iowa to subsidize those who can afford to install renewable sources larger than they need for their own use.


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