Poll: Double Haters Think Trump Should Drop Out

Big polling news. Two thirds of voters who don’t like Trump or Biden  think Trump should drop out of the race.

Forget about the Iowa presidential poll. Iowa is at the extreme end of red.  We are irrelevant. We will not be giving our electoral votes to a democrat in 2024.  Out there in the real world though, there is some bad polling news for Trump. It appears the fact that DJT is a convicted felon matters. And it matters a lot.

Keith Olbermann does an entertaining take on the polling news. He weaves it in with some essential media criticism calling them out for the preposterous narrative they have been pushing that convictions would actually benefit Trump. In my opinion Olbermann is still very good and some of the funniest commentary available. Take a listen or head over to Politico for the rest of the polling news that is bad for Trump.


“Twenty-one percent of independents said the conviction made them less likely to support Trump and that it would be an important factor in their vote.”

And that’s just for starters.

Olbermann podcast highlights: 

“The mainstream political media has just discovered something it evidently did not know. A – that elderly first offender Trump is getting killed in the polls now because of the Stormy Daniels election interference conviction and B – that this is actually a headline story that they should write about and not some postscript and C – that the Biden campaign yesterday took the big leap forward and actually called Trump a convicted criminal.”

“New Ipsos poll for Politico yesterday: [Politico] rather than acknowledging that it and the rest of the mainstream political media had served as vessels for this nonsense that he was going to improve his position by being convicted…thirty-three percent are less likely to vote for Trump because of convictions. Meanwhile, 17% said more likely – those were Republicans who were going to vote for him anyway.”

“Among independents the same number – a third less likely to vote for him but only 12% of independents more likely.

“Ipsos also dug a little deeper. Are the convictions important in your decision whether or not to vote for Trump and 22% say the convictions are important AND make them less likely to vote for him. That is a loss of 1 in 5 Trump voters.”

“Ipsos did a separate poll for ABC looking for and grilling double-haters – those voters who do not like Trump and do not like Biden. Well there’s don’t like and there’s DON”T LIKE. Two thirds of those who will vote think that after the convictions Trump should drop out of the presidential race – not just they don’t support him that much anymore or they’re less likely to.. Two thirds of double haters want Trump off the ballot.”

“The Biden campaign has gone gloves off on the central issue. If you didn’t hear it, here’s the money shot and I do mean money – a fifty million dollar Biden ad buy just for the rest of this month. “This election is between a convicted criminal who is only out for himself and a president who is fighting for you and your family. I’m Joe Biden. And I approve this message.”


More info in the podcast about positive swing state results and Trump now losing to Biden among 65 and older.

Happy Wednesday!

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