Fighting For Freedom

Action Alert from OneIowa

Today April 11th, we will join Planned Parenthood Advocates of Iowa and other partner organizations to show our power ahead of the Iowa Supreme Court oral arguments to determine if the 6-week abortion ban passed last summer can go into effect. It’s critical to come together and make sure our voices are unified as the reproductive freedom majority. Together, we will send the message loud and clear: A growing majority of Iowans believe abortion care should be safe, legal, and accessible for all, and we will never stop fighting for reproductive freedom.

Sign up now and ensure your voice is heard.

Reproductive justice is an LGBTQ+ issue. LGBTQ+ people need access to reproductive health care, including contraception, abortion, assisted reproductive services, and more. Although many people talk about reproductive health as a “women’s issue,” many LGBTQ+ people—including queer women, transgender men, intersex, and gender non-conforming individuals—can get pregnant, carry pregnancies, and become parents. Politicians asserting control over our bodies and our healthcare never ends well for LGBTQ+ people.

We hope you can join us tomorrow in supporting everyone’s right to comprehensive reproductive healthcare services without government interference.

Thanks for all you do for LGBTQ+ Iowans,

Contact Your Elected Officials NOW!
Keenan Crow
Director of Policy and Advocacy

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