Iowa Press: Iowa’s Worsening Water Quality and Supply

Thank you Iowa Press for not inviting someone on this program to represent the “other side” who would only have disrupted and polluted the dialogue with partisan talking points and mistruths. It was nice to be able to just listen and learn from experts.

Ted Corrigan, CEO and general manager of Des Moines Water Works, and David Cwiertny, professor of civil and environmental engineering and director of the Center of Health Effects of Environmental Contamination [CHEEC] at the University of Iowa discuss water quality and water supply issues with Kay Henderson, Erin Murphy, Des Moines bureau chief for The Gazette and Clay Masters, lead political reporter and host for Iowa Public Radio.

Rating:  Safe to watch

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2 Responses to Iowa Press: Iowa’s Worsening Water Quality and Supply

  1. A.D. says:

    It is also safe to skim the transcript. And having done that and having also watched a little of the show itself, I was amazed that just this once, during an IOWA PRESS water discussion, I felt no desire to hurl a heavy object at the screen. You are absolutely right, Trish Nelson! It makes a huge difference to be able to learn from water experts and not have to endure an “opposition” guest who would have wasted viewer time yammering about alleged water progress. Do this again, IOWA PRESS! Please!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Jan Rychnovsky says:

    The information these gentlemen provided was clear and unpolluted by the noise of politics. Iowa’s water sources are too precious to politicize.

    Liked by 1 person

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