Are They All In It Together

Here is the transcript of what is in my opinion the most interesting part of this podcast. Those of you who are old enough to remember, Keith Olbermann was one of the original truth tellers on MSNBC back during the Bush II years. He eventually was fired presumably because he wasn’t a team player which he no doubt was not a team player but everyone knows that wasn’t what got him fired.

No one is better and more entertaining at truth telling about the Rs than Olbermann. Word on the street is he was being considered to take over Rachel Maddows’s slot when she voluntarily reduced her nightly programs to once a week. It is said that Rachel vetoed his choice which if true is a damn shame. We are now stuck with Alex Wagner who is okay but doesn’t seem on the same level as the other excellent hosts.. Plus she was unprofessionally rude to Ron Klain when he was a guest on her show and he happened to mention that maybe the media could do a better job of reporting on Biden’s accomplishments.  Trus statement! But she went off on President Biden’s widely respected chief of staff in a sneering, immature manner saying to him witheringly (and shockingly, right on the air), “I knew you were going to say something like that…”  Twitter blew up over it most viewers calling for her head but of course that didn’t happen. The media, even the “liberal media” is simply incapable of looking at themselves and how they contribute to the situation we’re in.

That said, like Democrats, MSNBC, is not perfect but we wouldn’t be nearly as well informed without them. I hope they don’t continue their slide into both sides-ism.  Well, anyway.. I digress..

Here is a partial transcript from Olbermann’s podcast. I meant to post this earlier but in case you missed it..

“..if you spend 90 seconds trying to mislead the American media you will succeed utterly..”

“You will recall that the night before the Republican debate in Milwaukee three Trump hoodlums led by that disgusting Jason Miller were, according to Politico quote “whining and dining” 12 National political reporters at a steakhouse in Milwaukee called Rare.

Now these were not a dozen frauds from Fox News, The Daily Caller, News Max
fascist daily, no self-respecting American news person would dine with
Miller and Chris aceveda and Stephen Chung or their equivalence in the DeSantis campaign or for that matter their equivalent in the Biden campaign not in the middle of a campaign not the night before a debate.

But these were not 12 self-respecting American news persons they were 12 people from CNN and CBS News and NBC News and ABC News and the Washington Post including management who thought it was somehow appropriate to share a table with not just political operatives but political operatives who constantly encourage the public to view news reporters as criminals who should be targeted and attacked and assaulted and kidnapped and tortured and killed and among those who broke bread with these scumbags were Rick Klein political director of ABC political editor of Bloomberg Mario Parker David Shalian from CNN Robert Costa from CBS Shane Goldmacher from The New York Times and and here’s the point Kristen Welker of NBC news as of next week the new host of Meet the Press.

And yesterday the other shoe dropped quoting the Hollywood publication Deadline Kristen Welker’s first broadcast of Meet the Press on Sunday will feature a pre-taped interview with former president Donald Trump.

The interview will take place on Thursday that would be today in Bedminster New Jersey and it will be Trump’s first broadcast network sit down since leaving office.

We got Trump to talk about himself we’re really cool aren’t we Kristen Welker..

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