C02 Pipelines And Iowa

I’m encouraged to see more and more progressives on Substack, YouTube, podcasting, running for office, writing letters to the editor and finding new ways to be heard.  Let’s support progressive voices by following, liking, sharing, re-posting, donating and volunteering for campaigns.

ICYMI – Ryan Melton is again challenging Randy Feenstra for congress in IA-04. If you are not familiar with Ryan, watch his outstanding performance on Iowa Press during his last campaign against Feenstra. Please support Ryan’s campaign. Check out his campaign website at meltonforiowa.com/

You can subscribe to Andy Kopsa’s YouTube channel and follow her on Substack and Twitter

This video is worth a listen.

“C02 pipelines and Iowa – what is happening now, what we need to look out for (as landowners, citizens, rural or urban Iowans) in the coming months as Summit Carbon pushes toward the end of the year for approval or rejection by the Iowa Utilities Board.

Joined here by Ryan Melton, Democratic candidate for Iowa’s 4th congressional district, Emma Schmit from the Bold Alliance, and Jessica Mazour with the Sierra Club discuss tax credits, PHMSA, C02 pipelines and the impact on people on the ground.”

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