Getting To True Net-Zero

It has been ten years since I first attended former vice president Al Gore’s training on the climate crisis. Since then, the organization surpassed 50,000 trained climate leaders located in 190 countries. Every one of them will be needed because there is so much to be done to solve the climate crisis.

July 2023 was the hottest month on Earth since we began keeping records in the modern era. The year 2023 is also tracking to be the hottest. We, as a civilization, must do something to mitigate the human causes of this excess heat by achieving net-zero emissions. The words “achieving true net-zero” are important and there is misinformation about what they mean.True net-zero includes reducing the amount of greenhouse gas emissions produced on Earth. Climate Reality works toward achieving true net-zero because once it can be achieved, global temperatures will begin to decline within a few years. Society can avoid the worst effects of the climate crisis by achieving this goal.

Climate Reality has a strategy to achieve true net-zero emissions by 2030 in four primary campaigns with working groups. They are:

Reducing Emissions

This campaign focuses on building a clean energy future by cutting or avoiding emissions and opposing new fossil fuel infrastructure.

Calling Out Greenwashing

This campaign works to expose the lies fossil fuel companies tell and counter with the truth about the energy transition we need.

Financing A Just Transition

This campaign focuses on mobilizing global finance to build thriving clean energy economies.

Strengthening International Cooperation on Climate

This campaign supports climate action through the Conference of the Parties (COP) which hosts international gatherings to agree to approaches to the climate crisis. The 2015 Paris Agreement is a work-product of the COP.

There is plenty of work for individuals to do to address the climate crisis and avoid the worse effects of increasing global atmospheric and oceanic temperatures. If you would like to learn more about The Climate Reality Project, click here. Not ready to get involved? Here is an inspiring poem by Amanda Gorman suggesting why you should consider it, if not with this organization, then one near you that is working on solving the climate crisis.

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1 Response to Getting To True Net-Zero

  1. Edward Fallon says:

    Thank you, Paul. I appreciate that you focus on the two existential threats, facing humanity: climate change and nuclear war. Ed

    Liked by 1 person

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