This Week on the Fallon Forum: Immigration, Health Care, Breast-Feeding and More.

fallon forumDear Friends,

I have oft proclaimed that the three most destructive technological advancements in human history are, in order of severity: Nuclear bombs, Cars and Televisions.

But perhaps I haven’t given the TV enough credit. In today’s news, we learn it’s not just the content of the boob tube that causes kids harm. It’s also the fact that televisions are falling on kids with increased frequently, killing one child every three weeks.

Data published today in the magazine Pediatrics reveals that more than 17,000 children find there way to hospital emergency rooms every year due to a television falling on them. That’s an increase of 126 percent since 1990.

Of course, the number of people injured or killed by cars is much higher. And the potential fatalities- notwithstanding the nuclear horrors previously wrought at Hiroshima and Nagasaki- of human fatality related to nuclear weapons is off the charts.

Okay, sorry to kick-off the day with a downer. To make up for it, I’ll talk about some of the good stuff going on in our world on Monday‘s Fallon Forum, including a poll showing that only 37 percent of Iowa voters want Terry Branstad to run for Governor again. We also talk with Matt Sinovic of Progress Iowa about the new “Branstad on Board” decals, for those of you who crave the thrill of driving 90 miles an hour without getting pulled over by a State trooper. We also talk with Brian Gillette about the Affordable Care Act.

Tuesday, we talk with Amner Martinez about the immigration reform rally this weekend in Des Moines. We also try to get a handle on the tragic increase in deaths among immigrants on the Texas border. We discuss the disturbing information presented by Clark Kauffman of the Des Moines Register regarding children being locked in isolation rooms for up to a year at Eldora. And in A New Beat on Learning, we talk about how the anti-tax crowd in the US Congress seems comfortable passing a new tax for at least one constituency: students struggling with college debt.

Wednesday, we talk about progress being made to curb elephant poaching. We offer some analysis of President Obama’s response to the Zimmerman court ruling. And we meet with Sarah Truitt, a mom and city council woman in Osceola about The Big Latch On, a worldwide event to promote breast-feeding, with a gathering in Des Moines on August 3. (Look at that! A whole hour devoted to good news!)

Thursday, my guests include Ron Yarnell, State Rep. Dan Kelley, and candidate for governor Bob Krause.

Friday in this week’s Climate Beat, we get an update on the Walk for Our Grandchildren happening on the East Coast. We talk about the reaction of Iowa farmers to this year’s wild weather, where some are saying that they have never seen anything like it. We also talk with Ying Sa of Community CPA and Associates about the Immigrant Entrepreneur Summit.

Join us live, Monday-Friday, from 12:00-1:00 pm on the Fallon Forum website. Call-in at 855-244-0077 and add your voice to the dialogue. Video and audio-only podcasts are available after the program. Also, a rebroadcast of Tuesday’s Fallon Forum can be heard on KHOI 89.1 (Ames) Wednesdays at 5:00 pm, and KPVL 89.1 (Postville) Wednesdays at 7:00 pm. Thanks!



Fallon Forum by the numbers:
– Online audience: 1,670 per program
– Website traffic: 13,000 unique visitors (43,000 total visits) per month
– Weekly e-mail list: 5,700
– Facebook universe: 5,000 on personal page, 4,964 on professional page
– KHOI 89.1 Ames
– KPVL 89.1 Postville


July 19-27 – Walk for Our Grandchildren (Washington, DC)
Participate as a hiker, through walker, volunteer or fundraiser. Make your voices heard by policymakers at the White House and around the world to stop the XL Pipeline and keep fossil fuels in the ground. Details here.

July 27-28 – Civil Disobedience Trainings to Stop Keystone (Midwest)
Join the Center for Biological Diversity and partners for a free training to fight against Keystone XL. Regional trainings are in Des Moines, Kansas City, Minneapolis and St. Louis. For more details click here.

July 23 – Citizens United to Combat Racism Conference (Des Moines)
This conference will be held 8:00 am – 4:00 pm at Polk County River Place, 2309 Euclid. The keynote address will be given by Arnold Woods Jr., President of the Des Moines NAACP. Cost is $25 and lunch is included. Registration deadline is July 12. For further information contact

July 23 – Life After  DOMA: Taxes and the Law (Des Moines)
Still have questions? Join OneIowa at their office, 419 S.W. 8th Street, 6:00 – 7:00 pm to find out more. Wine will be served.

July 25 – Green Drinks (Des Moines)
Join excellent conversation about energy and the environment over food and drink at Gateway Market and Cafe, 2002 Woodland Ave from 5:30-7:30 pm. For more details, see

July 25-28 – National Green Party’s Annual Meeting (Iowa City)
Join the Green National Committee and attend workshops, press conferences, panel discussions, films and more. For more information and details visit here. The entire schedule can be found here.

July 27 – CURE Re-entry Team Training (Des Moines)
At Trinity United Methodist Church, 1548 8th St, 10:00 am – 4:30 pm. Lunch and snacks available for $10. A re-entry team is a support group of 5-8 volunteers who help people getting out of prison transition back into the community. Contact Christy Prescott at 515-525-8066 or

July 31 – LGBT & Friends Happy Hour (Des Moines)
Sponsored by OneIowa – join in on the fun at Lime Lounge, 435 E. Grand, 5:30 – 7:30 p.m.

August 3 – The Big Latch On (Des Moines)
In what began as a worldwide event originally from New Zealand in 2005, participate locally at the Sculpture Park beginning at 10:00 am.  A total of 8,862 mothers and children breastfed simultaneously for one minute in 2012. The first seven days of August are World Breastfeeding week.

August 6 – COSC Connects: ReWallution (Des Moines)
This is a free after-work social networking series, 5:00-7:00 pm, to broaden perspectives of sustainability and discovering local resources. Tour, installation demos and a barbeque. More details at

August 6 – Hiroshima/Nagasaki Observance (Des Moines)
The theme is “Never Again – A World Without Nuclear Weapons.” At 7:30 pm at the Japanese Bell on the Iowa Supreme Court grounds (Court Avenue just south of the Judicial Building). Please bring lawn chairs and flowers to lay at the Bell. Rain site is Wesley United Methodist Church, 800 East 12th Street. Professor Mary McCarthy of Drake University will be a speaker, with music provided by Ed Fallon. Contact Jeffrey Weiss.

August 7-11 – The Democracy Convention (Madison, WI)
If you want to strengthen democracy where it matters most — in our communities, our schools, our workplaces and local economies, military, government, media, constitution — you will find something inspiring in Madison in August, 2013. Register now to attend. For more information visit here.

October 19 – Contra Dance at Odd Fellows Hall (Des Moines)
Contra-Indications is hosting a contra dance at Odd Fellows Hall, 2904 Kingman Blvd, 8:00-11:00 pm, with lesson at 7:30 pm. Live music by Marc & Brandi Janssen duo from Iowa City; Reid Miller from Madison, WI as caller. $10 adults; free under 12; $25 family maximum. Visit

October 19 – Radical Democracy & Agriculture (Des Moines)
The Women’s International League for Peace & Freedom (WILPF) will host the Jane Bibber Memorial Symposium and Strong Feisty Woman Award Luncheon, 8:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m., First Unitarian Church, 1800 Bell Avenue. For more information visit here.

November 9 – Immigrant Entrepreneurs Summit (IES) – Des Moines
The IES mission is to bring businesses of diverse backgrounds together to share, learn, and celebrate the immigrant entrepreneurship experience and contribution to the overall community. The Summit will be held at the Olmstead Center, Drake University, 9:00 am – 4:00 pm. Click here to register and for more information.

March 1–November 1, 2014 – Great March for Climate Action (America)
One thousand climate patriots are organizing to march 3000 miles across the country next year, from Los Angeles, CA to Washington, DC to demand action on climate change. To get involved, call (855) 35-MARCH or

April 2014 – Climate Convergence Rally – Raleigh, NC
The mission of the Climate Convergence on Raleigh project is to educate, inspire, and empower North Carolinians regarding the climate crisis. People will converge on Raleigh from across the state to attend an annual rally and participate in educational panels and workshops focused on climate change and ways to stop it. Click here for more information.

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