Iowa House Candidate Bobby Kaufmann Called Upon To Release All Records Of Arrests And Probation


Media Contact:     Dick Schwab, (319) 430-0130,

Schwab calls for Bobby Kaufmann to release all records of his arrest, probation

Demands Kaufmann stop hiding records and make himself accountable to thepublic

SOLON, Iowa- (Oct. 19, 2012)- Dick Schwab, candidate for state representative in Iowa House District 73, today called on his young opponent, Bobby Kaufmann, to make a full accounting to the public of the details of his recent probation following his Feb. 4 arrest after an incident at an Iowa City bar. This was Bobby Kaufmann’s most recent offense in a string of 19 citations from law enforcement during the last 10 years.

“Bobby owes it to the voters to stop hiding the records of his arrest and probation, so members of the public can decide for themselves if he’s ready to represent us,” said Schwab, speaking to a group of concerned voters.

An April 6 story on Bobby Kaufmann’s arrest, published in the West Branch Times, reported, “the 26-year old will serve a year on probation.” The paper has not run a correction or an update saying the probation has been lifted. To date, Kauffmann has kept secret all documents relating to his case.

“My own view,” added Schwab, “Is that a 27-year old who has had so many run-ins with the law, and been on probation this year, is not ready to represent us in the Iowa House.  But it’s up to the voters, not me, and the only way for them to make an informed decision is for them to have the facts.”

Indisputable Facts:

– Bobby Kaufmann was arrested on Feb. 4 for public intoxication following an incident in an Iowa City bar.
– He pled guilty.
– He was placed on probation for 1 year, according to the West Branch Times.
– This was his 19th run in with law enforcement for a variety of offenses.

Unanswered Questions:

-When did his probation end?
-Was Bobby delinquent in fulfilling the terms of his probation?
-If so, how specifically?
-Did Bobby have a judicial review on Sept. 1?
-What evidence did this judicial review consider?
-Was the initial term of his probation one year?
-Was his probation shortened?
-If so, why?


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