Grassley Defends ALEC

Is our senator working for Iowans or ALEC? 

Think Progress reports:

On April 4, Coca-Cola announced it was ending financial support for [ALEC] the American Legislative Exchange Council, the right-wing group behind “Stand Your Ground” laws and voter suppression efforts.

Now, U.S. Senator Chuck Grassley (R-IA) is advocating a boycott of the company:

via Twitter:

“U might think abt not drinking Coca Cola since company sucombed to pressure fr Leftist not to support ALEC”

The Grassley boycott could be quite extensive. Over the last few weeks, at least 11 other companies — including Pepsi, McDonald’s, and Kraft — announced they were severing ties with ALEC.

In response to the criticism, ALEC announced they were ending all “non-economic” activities. Unfortunately for ALEC, that hasn’t stopped the parade of defections, which most recently includes Blue Cross Blue Shield and Yum! Foods

Coke operates bottling plants in Waukee and Atlantic, Iowa

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1 Response to Grassley Defends ALEC

  1. Ralph Taylor says:

    Chuck mostly works for his special interest owners. He is one of the best senators money can buy.


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