Tag Archives: C02 pipelines

How Would CO2 Pipelines Impact Iowa’s Water?

Please like and share this upcoming water education seminar sponsored by Citizens for Community Improvement (CCI).   Happy Friday! ### There’s one week until our water education webinar! Water permits for Summit Carbon Solutions’ pipeline project would use an estimated … Continue reading

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DNR Should Say No To C02 Pipeline Water Permits

From our inbox here is an urgent action alert from Iowa Citizens for Community Improvement (CCI): Water is one of our most important resources – we drink it, we bathe in it, we recreate in it. But in Iowa 94% … Continue reading

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C02 Pipelines And Iowa

I’m encouraged to see more and more progressives on Substack, YouTube, podcasting, running for office, writing letters to the editor and finding new ways to be heard.  Let’s support progressive voices by following, liking, sharing, re-posting, donating and volunteering for … Continue reading

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