Mind Your Own Business

I’ve always been of the opinion that this fight is fundamentally about personal privacy and choice, self-determination, and the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, not specifically abortion.  But that messaging ship has long since sailed.

By the time this post is published we will likely know or be close to knowing the Iowa Supreme Court’s decision on the Republicans six-week abortion ban.  Either way it goes, there is still hopeful news. Here’s some from Politico.


“A new coalition of abortion-rights groups is marking the second anniversary of the fall of Roe v. Wade with a pledge to spend $100 million to restore federal protections for the procedure and make it more accessible than ever before.

“In plans shared first with POLITICO, groups including Planned Parenthood, the ACLU and Reproductive Freedom for All are banding together to form Abortion Access Now — a national, 10-year campaign that will both prepare policies for the next time Democrats control the House, Senate and White House, and build support for those policies among lawmakers and the public. At a private event Monday evening in Washington, they will pitch a group of influential progressives on going on offense at a time when abortion is outlawed in a third of the country.”

click to read more

BFIA editor’s note to loyal BFIA followers – Paul Deaton will be taking over Blog for Iowa for the month of July. Please be sure and tune in for some excellent articles that are sure to be packed with info, commentary and analysis.

As always, if you like our content, please hit the like, share and follow links.

Happy Friday and have a great weekend!

And how ’bout some good old fashioned values, Rs?

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1 Response to Mind Your Own Business

  1. Edward Fallon says:

    Great and timely meme. Horrible Iowa Supreme Court ruling on abortion, but deeply impressed with Chief Justice Christensen’s dissent. Ed


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