Audio: Driftless Water Defenders Kickoff Event

Driftless Water Defenders – Decorah June 20 Kickoff Event

Attorney Jim Larew and Dr. Chris Jones on the state of Iowa’s waterways and the goals of this new organization.

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2 Responses to Audio: Driftless Water Defenders Kickoff Event

  1. A.D. says:

    Thank you for sharing this, and thank you to the good people who were there. It sure won’t be easy, what this group is working to do. But it must be done. And the Driftless hugely deserves it.


  2. prairie fan says:

    thanks for sharing, really appreciate Chris Jone sticking with this even after UofI President Wilson basically fed him to the wolves rather than support academic integrity and public service, hope they start with local media misinformation (no more IPR shows promoting voluntary Ag programs for example) and by highlighting the ways that elected officials who at least pay credible (not Republican) lip service to environmental/public-health/civil-rights issues often then undercut such interests, until we end “bipartisan” support for commercialized violence like ethanol projects these matters will only get worse.

    Liked by 1 person

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