No Immunity For Pesticide Companies

Chemical Companies Must be Held Accountable for Pesticide Injury

HSB737 and SF2412 are advancing in the Iowa House and Senate. NOW is the time to contact your Lawmakers and ask them to oppose this bill.


A bill that would give giant pesticide companies, such as Bayer which makes the weedkiller Roundup, virtual immunity from lawsuits that would hold them accountable for health damages, are moving quickly through the Iowa Legislature.

These bills are not in the best interest of the people of Iowa, including — and especially — farmers. Please take a moment to tell your state Lawmakers to oppose these bills.

Each year, nearly 54 million pounds of pesticides are applied in Iowa. These products are used with the understanding that they are safe to use based on the pesticide use labels established by the EPA. But, time and time again, ongoing research has uncovered the dangers of pesticides after the EPA has declared a product safe for use. These products have been found to cause long-term illness, including cancers, brain damage in children, and Parkinson’s disease.

Why should pesticide companies get a free pass for any future liability? Our legal system exists to protect us and hold those who cause harm accountable — and no one, especially multinational corporations, should be above the law.

This bill would take away Iowans’ ability to seek relief after they discover an illness or permanent injury has been caused by a product that had previously been (or might still be) labeled as safe. Iowa law should protect our farmers and our rural communities instead of pesticide companies.

Read more about the pending legislation here and here.

Next Steps: Take Action!

  • Contact your House Representative with the message below.
  • Ask your family members, neighbors, and community groups to contact their legislators with the same message.
  • Make a social media post and tag your lawmakers.


Please call or email your local Representative. Please reference the sample letter below to craft your message and answer questions.

Find Your Legislators:

Please find their contact information by entering your address here.

WE HIGHLY ENCOURAGE you to personalize the message below by identifying where you live and specific reasons you oppose this legislation.

Email Message:

Subject: Pesticide companies must be held accountable – Oppose HSB737/SF2412

Hello Representative [Insert Name],

As a constituent in your district, I ask you to oppose the passage of HSB737/SF2412, because I simply want a fair playing field.

These bills tip the balance away from farmers who may try to protect their health, crops/livestock, and the safety of their family. Farmers’ health security is at risk and property rights are violated when farmers can’t reasonably protect themselves if a dispute arises. Chemical companies shouldn’t be able to hide behind a label to walk away from their responsibility to their customers.

Please support the health of farmers over the profits of corporations and oppose this harmful legislation.

Your name

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Jefferson County Farmers & Neighbors, Inc.
PO Box 811
Fairfield, IA 52556
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JFAN is a member of the Iowa Alliance for Responsible Agriculture (IARA)

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