Legislative Goals For The Greater Good

Iowa State Capitol

Editor’s Note: This post was written by Mike Jacobsen who is an Iowa County Democrat. It is full of the kind of hope and common sense Democrats have in abundance. The post is published on Blog for Iowa with permission of the author.

As the 2024 legislative session begins in Des Moines, I write to express my hopes, concerns and recommendations for our legislators to focus on as they get back to work on behalf of Iowans at the Capitol. Priority No. 1 — stop the culture war madness of marginalizing and vilifying some of our most hardworking, vulnerable, and at-risk friends and neighbors including educators, immigrants, members of our LGBTQ community, the working poor and others. Focus on issues that really matter to everyday Iowans for the greater good.

Secondly, increase the quantity and quality of affordable child care options. My family of three children spends over $2,000 per month on these services — far more than our home mortgage. Why not increase the tax credit? Or, put some of that $5 billion surplus to work and help out working families with increased free early childhood education, investing in our future and helping to slow or even stop the brain drain of losing our best and brightest moving to other states.

Furthermore, increasing the quantity and quality of affordable housing options would be another big step toward keeping the next generation here in Iowa and making the American dream more attainable again. This also will make it easier for our employers to recruit and retain skilled labor.

Stop tax giveaways to the wealthy and well-connected. A progressive tax structure that helps middle- and working-class families should take precedence over more help for the ultrawealthy, well-connected political donors and corporations.

Clean up our rivers, lakes and streams once and for all. Most of our lakes are marred by algae blooms caused by excessive nitrate runoff.

Funding the Natural Resources and Outdoor Recreation Trust Fund passed in 2010 by 63 percent of Iowans would be a good start.

Public money for public schools … period. I support private schools but they are not held to the same standards as public schools in relation to transparency and accountability of our public tax dollars. However, if we are to continue down this road of public money used toward private aims then I respectfully request my own private PSA (Park Savings Account), RSA (Road Savings Account), SRSA (State Representative Savings Account, SSRA (State Senator Savings Account) and, — you guessed it — GSA (Governor Savings Account).

Let experts lead on issues again.

Just because I can procreate and am a parent does not mean I know a thing about teaching and educating students. Advanced knowledge in a content area, teaching methods, and pedagogy along with years of experience actually teaching students means I know — at least a thing or two — about teaching. The same goes for leaving health care decisions such as abortion up to the health care professionals with years of education and experience dealing with these extremely difficult and sometimes life-threatening situations.

Finally, get back to regular order.

Stop passing bills in the dead of night without proper debate and following standard procedure. Why does the current majority party feel the need to operate in the dark?

Attention and real action on these issues would mean a huge step forward for the state. I urge our elected officials to see the light under the golden dome and consider my Greater Good platform as they work to better the lives of all Iowans.

Michael J. Jacobsen works in higher education, and is a former high school economics, geography, government, psychology, sociology, U.S. history, world history, and world political theory teacher. He lives in Williamsburg. jacobsenmike84@gmail.com.

This article first appeared in the Cedar Rapids Gazette on Jan. 9, 2024.

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1 Response to Legislative Goals For The Greater Good

  1. A.D. says:

    I emphatically agree with the goal of improving Iowa’s terrible water quality. Thank you, Mike Jacobsen and Paul Deaton. One small clarification — toxic algal blooms are caused by phosphorus pollution as well as nitrogen pollution. And in Iowa, of course, the biggest source of both, by far, is conventional agriculture.

    Thank you to the Iowa farmers and landowners who do really excellent water-protecting farm conservation. It’s very unfortunate that you are vastly outnumbered by the Iowa farmers and landowners who don’t.

    Liked by 1 person

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