Urgent Climate Action Alert

Action alert from Rob Hogg:

Please contact your US Representative and US Senators this week to urge them to do more (not less) to cut climate pollution (if you have not yet done so this month). It’s urgent.

This is a critical time for climate action. Increasing extreme events across the country and around the world. Upcoming UN climate negotiations next week. The March to End Fossil Fuels in New York City on Sunday.

If you live in Iowa, here are numbers you can call:

Rep. Randy Feenstra – (202) 225-4426
Rep. Ashley Hinson – (202) 225-2911
Rep. Mariannette Miller-Meeks – (202) 225-6576
Rep. Zach Nunn – (202) 225-5476
Senator Joni Ernst – (202) 224-3254
Senator Chuck Grassley – (202) 224-3744

To contact Congress, you can also use the email alerts of various nonprofit advocacy groups to contact your Representative and Senators. Here are two examples:

Natural Resources Defense Council:

Citizens Climate Lobby:

Finally, here is a Facebook event page you can share to help promote this event with your friends:

Please let me know if you get the chance to contact Congress. Just reply to this email.

I hope this information is helpful. Thanks for taking action, and let me know if you have any questions or suggestions.


Rob Hogg (retired state senator)
Cedar Rapids, IA 52403
(319) 247-0223

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